Sunday, November 7, 2010


So my GF came to stay with me from Thursday till Sunday, and she just left. The nice part, is that without me asking, and even after me telling her repeatedly that she DIDNT HAVE TO, she cleaned my entire fucking apartment. I cleaned it up to about 80%, but its really that last little bit that takes forever. Shes fucking great for it, and it wasnt even one of those things where somebody does something and than expects something in return, she is just that cool.

I've been thinking a lot about "frame." This is probably a new term for a lot of you. Frame is your perception of the world. Frame effects everything. I believe that one perception of the world CHANGES the world. This ties in with some many things that I cannot hope to cover them in any short amount of time. Look for example at professional athletes. I don't see competition at the highest level as a battle of skill, speed, strength, or technique, but rather as a confrontation of frame. They are competing for perception of the world. Whoever has a stronger frame, whoever believes that they are the best more powerfully than than the other, is going to be the victor. This is not to say that preparation has no effect on who wins, but preparation helps reinforce frame. you are going to better believe that you are the better man, if you put in as much work as you possibly can. Frame is not something that you can fake. Frame is a wider scope of confidence. However, ones frame can lose correlation with the real world. When it does, I believe this is what causes insanity.

I'll post more about this later!


  1. Hmm my frame on the world currently is that you need to send your ticket on the next flight to come live with me :D Ive been needing some help cleaning

  2. ha cool bro.. my gf did the same yesterday when i was taking a shower. didn't even notice it until i was done.

  3. such a good read!
    awesome blog :)

  4. never really thought about it like that before(:

  5. Interesting... thanks for sharing :) !

  6. Well that is one of the perks of having a gf :P , or it should be hehe.

  7. looking forward to it! awesome blog you have here btw :)

  8. Very insightful. Hope everything goes well 4 u!
