Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Sorry guys had a really busy day yesterday, and im just sure none of you had any fun because you didnt have my deeply insightful blog posts to cheer you up.

Um yesterday I took some 2ce, and took a bit too much by accident. I didn't look up dosages before I took mine, which is just always a bad idea. 2ce is a psychedillic drug that is currently legal to possess in teh united states. Its hard to find, but if you can I recommend grabbing some. I had some difficulties on my trip, I spent half of it trying to convince myself that I wasn't going crazy, and that the ghosts that I could see in my peripheral vision were going to eventually go away. I wasn't really mentally prepared for the experience I had, and its definitely not something I would recommend for even a seasoned drug user. I took around 30mgs, and honestly 10-15 mgs should be tops.

Im still trying to make sense of what happened, and am tryin to make sure there arent any residual effects of the trip. I still havn't slept since the incident, so maybe once I get some rest ill be able to pull the pieces together.

Oh well seeya next time.


  1. Yeah, I've done 2-CE before. It's an okay psychadelic.

  2. wow, maybe you shouldn't do that anymore?

  3. awesome stuff, keep it up!

  4. wow, i want to see what that is like. Just so I can understand. Maybe write a novel while flying.

  5. wow, bad idea to take to much drug... Hope you'll be better next ;)

  6. life is boring without ya posts..of course you are right xD

  7. wow lol, crazy stuff man- good luck getting some sleep!

  8. have you ever tried DMT? its something im trying to find and i herd it has some crazzyyyy trips
